On the threshold of the winter festivities Tuborg offers its fans in Russia the unique opportunity to enjoy the authentic Christmas beer Tuborg Christmas Brew. The launch of this brew has already become an integral part of New Year celebration. Half-and-half beer has a full-body flavor and aroma. It’s prepared using barley, black, and caramel malt. The latest product is already available in Russian stores where it’ll be sold several months after New Year eve.

A special blue bottle of Tuborg Christmas Brew stands out among other beers. The festive New Year label decorated with white snowflakes, Christmas deer, and merry Santa Claus give the consumers a festive mood. This year a special beer can was launched which has the same New Year design. The Christmas brew with original formulation came to Russia from Denmark. Originally it was brewed by Carlsberg 33 years ago in 1981. Since that time it managed to become the genuine international tradition, the drink which accompanies the favorite winter celebrations.

In Denmark they even have a special J-Day holiday (short for Danish Tuborg Julebryg). Today this holiday is of international caliber. For several years now J-Day has been celebrated by Tuborg Christmas Brew fans in Iceland and Greenland. And this year they were joined by Switzerland.

Besides the fact that Tuborg Christmas Brew is a seasonal beer and it’s launched once a year for a limited period of time, it’s still one of the four bestselling beers in Denmark. It’s been outscored by Tuborg Green, Carlsberg and Tuborg Classic which are available throughout the year.

The Christmas beer will be available in 500 ml glass bottles and cans all around the country. The season of Tuborg Christmas Brew will slip away together with the winter. But for now Tuborg presents the seasonal brew with the best wishes. This is an authentic half-and-half beer brewed by the license of Carlsberg Group (Copenhagen).

Here are some interesting facts about Tuborg Christmas Brew:

• In 1979 Carlsberg specialists designed a New Year complimentary postcard with a blue logo, New Year truck and Santa Claus. It became so popular, that while working on a logo and label for Tuborg Christmas Brew in 1981 they used the same design. Today the design inspires the wide range of Christmas products, from the ears of blue rabbit and to the Santa Claus costume.

• For 24 years the Dane have been looking forward to J-day — the first day of Tuborg Christmas Brew bottling. In 2008 J-Day became the official term included in Danish dictionary.

• Since 2003 Tuborg Christmas Brew is being bottled on the first Friday of November at 8:59 p.m. sharp. At that time Carlsberg employees in blue Christmas caps start to deliver the beer on horse-drawn carts adorned with garlands. This important event is supported by the wild parties all over the city. Each horse-drawn cart visits about ten places and gives one free beer to each quest while dancing and singing Tuborg Christmas Brew.

Tuborg is a really global brand presented in more than 70 countries. This is a largest beer brand in Denmark which continues to demonstrate growth all over the world, especially in Eastern Europe and Asia. Tuborg is a leader in a super-premium beer market in Russia. Following the results of the nine months of 2014 the brand share in the category amounts to 19.5% (data by Nielsen).

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